So fun I didn't even time it... Like, I didn't even start my phone. What? What was I thinking? I am curious how well we did because, well, we totally rocked it. FAIL.
Traci and I set out for BOTH of our first 5k, only it's also her first race ever. Color Me Rad! A very colorful, very messy, fun run.
Matthew was off playing poker the night before and the party baby was not cooperating. I finally made him fuss it out at midnight (midnight!) and he was up a short two hours after that. Ugh! When Matthew came home in the wee hours of the morning he found me on my side and Greyson sitting up next to me, both of us sleeping probably very restlessly. He picked him up and tried to put him in bed which didn't work. Suffice it to say, he was a naughty baby that night! He knew how badly I wanted him to sleep!
Then at 5:00 Asher came down to my side of the bed, got a snuggle from me and then, as I was taking him back to bed, I realized his pants were soaked (fun bath last night?) and so I had to change him and send him off. Shortly after that he came down to Matthew's side of the bed (Matthew doesn't take him back to his room!) only Matthew can't hear him so I have to get up and get Matthew up. Ugh! My best sleep of the night was from whatever time that was until I shot out of bed at 5:52 thinking I was late when my alarm was actually set for 5:55. Booooo!
Traci was early (!!) to my house, I ran out and hopped in her car and off we were to public transport. We weren't alone! Lots of white T's in the house. On the train we did our sleeves, and our tattoos and we were READY.
When we got there is was a PARTY. There was Zumba (which was totally fun...) and yelling and happy and crowds and colors. It was good times. We were all in the mix of things getting our groove on until we were supposed to head to the start. We were off.
And we ran and ran and ran and it was no big deal. Traci and I kept a great pace and talked the whole time. She was worried about me having to slow down but I don't feel I had to, and she didn't seem to have a hard time with the pace so we were good to go. So good, it didn't feel like it was three miles. To where we were planning to look it up when we got home! Later, my body told me it was indeed 3 miles, not sore... just feel like I did a little something that day. Perfect!
After the run we got our picture taken again and went into the mix of partiers for more messy fun. We stayed for a couple of powder throwing good times (they were doing it every ten minutes for the new finishers and I am pretty sure we were in the first one.) We snuck out and I said "Alright, let's get out of here!" and I was busted! One of the guys doing the MC-ing turned around and said "No!" and tossed two more color bombs at us. Well, if you insist... and back in we went.
We rode the train back home which went SUPER fast, we walked to a different station than most of the other people were walking to! (Holla!) So we killed off those extra calories at McD's. People stared.
When I got home Duncan was fascinated but Ian wouldn't come anywhere near me. He told me I wasn't "Booful anymore." Awwwwe shucks. He and Matthew started the shower for me and he made it up to me with kisses post-shower. I asked him "I wasn't beautiful?" and he said "Nooo... but then you washed and were booful again!" Cute boy.
I think Traci has the race bug... more on that to come. She needs to be my co-blogger, she got me into this!
I also did the first run for my half training yesterday. My half is exactly 12 weeks from last Saturday. here we go!
Flat Shannon on the left, flat Traci on the right
No, I have no idea what we are doing in all of these crazy pictures. Just being a bunch of odd balls.
Uhhh, yea.